For any questions about sponsoring or participating in our Sidney Anglers Salmon Derbys, please contact us at executive@sidneyanglers.ca
The 2020 Sidney Anglers Salmon Enhancement Derby has been postponed for the coming year.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has given us no reasonable expectation that we will have access to our fishery in 2020 due to a review of all regulations.
As a result, we are unable to organize our derby to be consistent with the quality that our sponsors and participants have come to expect from the Sidney Anglers Association for this event.
We are working to create new fundraising events to be able to continue to fund and participate in our local salmon enhancement activities and to contribute to data collection and scientific programs.
We want to thank everyone for their interest and participation in this event in the past years.
Please refer back to this website and our Facebook site for further updates.
Merry Fishmas!
Sidney Anglers Association
2019 Derby Postponed until March 2020!
Dear Anglers, Sponsors and Supporters of the Sidney Anglers' Salmon Enhancement Derby:
We have considered the implications that the proposed management actions by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) will have on our ability to host our annual derby and have elected to postpone it until March of 2020.
We look forward to renewing our partnerships and commitments in 2020 and working together toward another successful salmon enhancement fundraising event. Our sincere thanks to all of you for your contributions over the years and continuing support of this worthy cause.
Complete text of this letter is in the attached PDF: