The derby offers $30,000 in cash and merchandise prizes!
Cash prizes will be awarded to contestants who catch and register the three
heaviest eligible salmon as follows:
1st Place: Prize: $10,000
2nd Place: Prize: Suzuki DF9.9, EFI, high thrust, power tilt
3rd Place: Prize: 2.5hp Suzuki and Mercury Model 200 inflatable
Plus a $500 value prize for the largest salmon caught by a female
(sponsored by Irene Dunic).
Plus a Hidden Weight Merchandise Prizes AND
The heaviest 17 fish (after the top three prize fish) are guaranteed
an assigned prize at the Saturday night banquet
Contestants are only permitted to win one cash prize, but are eligible for all merchandise prizes.
Participating sponsors are eligible to win a "bragging rights" trophy for the heaviest fish caught and registered.
Sponsors are eligible for all cash and merchandise prizes.
The Sidney Anglers Association reserves the right to publish the names of cash prize and merchandise draw prize winners and accompanying photos.
All Salmon derby anglers (“Contestants”) will be issued a sticker for each rod that must be affixed to the side window of boat and must be visible to Derby Officials.