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The derby offers $30,000 in cash and merchandise prizes!


Cash prizes will be awarded to contestants who catch and register the three

heaviest eligible salmon as follows:


1st Place: Prize: $10,000


2nd Place: Prize: Suzuki DF9.9, EFI, high thrust, power tilt


3rd Place: Prize: 2.5hp Suzuki and Mercury Model 200 inflatable


Plus a $500 value prize for the largest salmon caught by a female

(sponsored by Irene Dunic).


Plus a Hidden Weight Merchandise Prizes AND


The heaviest 17 fish (after the top three prize fish) are guaranteed

an assigned prize at the Saturday night banquet 


  • Contestants are only permitted to win one cash prize, but are eligible for all merchandise prizes.

  • Participating sponsors are eligible to win a "bragging rights" trophy for the heaviest fish caught and registered.

  • Sponsors are eligible for all cash and merchandise prizes.

  • The Sidney Anglers Association reserves the right to publish the names of cash prize and merchandise draw prize winners and accompanying photos.

  • All Salmon derby anglers (“Contestants”) will be issued a sticker for each rod that must be affixed to the side window of boat and must be visible to Derby Officials.

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